Economic OF Pakistan
Pakistan is a 6th largest Population country of the World and 3rd in rank in Asia. Pakistan is a emerging economic country of Asia. About 39.8% belonged to the urban area.More than 50% Economic of Pakistan depend on Agricultural sector.
In 1960s Pakistan Economic grow in 6th gear but after 60s Pakistan economic cant stable properly. So,reasons of Economic failure of Pakistan economic that as follows:
1-Martial power
Pakistan face three times martial govrening powers. We cant says this types of Goverment damage Pakistan Economic but some affect can show in economic sector.
First day of Pakistan faced wars that would be with neighborn , Terrorist and to many enemy of Pakistan who cant see Pakistan as superior state. Around of 20 lakh People of Pakistan scrifices their life for their country . And faced around of 800 billions Pakistan rupees loss durings wars till 2019. And this factors should affect Pakistan Economic.
3-CorruptionThis reason we can says father of economic failure of Pakistan economic.Corruption damages all department of Pakistan . Every one who came Politics should do this. They can theft taxes, money loundery, not perform their responsibilties properly .Recently so many maga corruption case open and most importan and popular case is Nawaz shrif on london flat .
Corruption destroyed all economic of pakistan.
4-Ordinary Economic policy
this factor can affect economy because if you cant do your home work u should get their punishment .The poor policy of leader can affect economy policy.
If pakistan want to see their economy than the leaders should take solid decision that in favour of Pakistan. Every single citizen of Pakistan should take a part directly and indirectly . Pakitstani gave piorty thier domestic brands over International brand.Do that things Pakitan economic should boast and would be a Asian tiger in future
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